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Featured Artist Exhibit


Featured Artist Grub’s images are bright, bold and raw, often depicting dream-like scenes with human figures interacting in blurred settings. Each face he represents evokes a dynamic emotional, often uncomfortable state. His exhibit "Vessels" will be featured on our main gallery wall from January 10th until early April, with an opening reception on Saturday, February 8th. Come experience it for yourself!

Artist Statement:


A vessel is an object that is used to contain something. It is also something that can carry us off somewhere. In a vascular sense, it is used for circulation. A conversation can also be a type of vessel. A person is sometimes described as a vessel, particularly in a religious sense, to carry or receive something outside of themselves. Sometimes the same object can carry multiple of these meanings at once. Each one of these paintings has a vessel in it- perhaps several- perhaps many.

A note on the process and display: I admit the unstretched, unframed canvas is used partly for convenience, due to the size of the paintings, but I also feel that the ragged-edged, fragmented look of them relates to the content of the work. I feel that my paintings often represent trailing thoughts- not really dreams-but conscious yet fluid thoughts- one melding into another. So to me, framing  them almost seems too rigid, an attempt to outline and define something that is nebulous and indeterminate. But of course any would-be  purchaser should feel free to frame them if they want. That will be their experience and it is just as valid as my own.


A Seasonal Show

Into the Woods

Artists were asked to create a new work of art in the theme of 'Into the Woods' which expresses color, texture and pattern as a significant element of the composition. Local and visiting artists express the call of the forest, where we find rhythm, solace, and playfulness. Come experience the results!

The seasonal show Into the Woods opened January 25th and runs until early April, ready to inspire with a variety of fun and different mediums, including sculpture and written word. 

The reception for the exhibit is Saturday, February 8th from 5:30 - 7:30pm. 

Across the Bridge_20x24 - Laura Green.JPG

Participating artists in the
'Into the Woods' show: 


Alex Stenzel

Bailey Miller

Blair Latos

Bob Kent

Brent Witters

Charlene Rymsha

Chase Williams

Clay Tyson, Roots Up Woodturning

Courtney Bagby

Dan Swietlik

David Kirk

Diana Daltorio


Emily McAvoy

Genevieve Freiwald 

Heather Freeman

Heidi Hall

Isla Lieb

Jamie Della

Jenny Kane

Jerri Higinbotham

Jillian Gane

Joanne Hihn

Joyce Prisco

Kimberly Bohan

Laura Green

Lisa Baldwin

Lucas Pinizzotto

Maxine Binn

Michael McWilliams

Michaela Teefy

Monika Metzenthin

Nanette Oleson

Nesia Stenzel

Peter Pumphrey

Roberta Lagomarsini

Ruby Hoyng

Sara Janti

Stephen Ingram

Stevie Lawrence

Todd Unangst

Sarah Sugarman

Vanessa Cortez Rios

Vienna Lieb

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