Mono Arts Council
MAC provides visual and performing arts education for K-12 students in school, after school, and during the summer. We ensure every student in Mono County has access to this VITAL part of their education. Arts education increases test scores and attendance. Making art supports good mental health and provides opportunities for social-emotional learning. Our adult programs, including Art & Wine and the MAC Gallery & Community Arts Center help us raise awareness for arts education and give local artists a place to showcase their talents.
Upcoming events
Arts Education
Our arts education programs are the core of our mission. Mono Arts Council partners with the Mono County Office of Education, the Mammoth Unified School District, and the Eastern Sierra Unified School District to fill the gaps in arts education. We provide highly skilled Teaching Artists and art supplies for a variety of programs from Kindergarten - 8th grade. These programs range from visual arts, through our Create With the Greats Program to our MAC Music Program.
Our goal is for every student in Mono County to have access to Art, Dance, Theater, Music, and Media Arts.

Featured Artist
Grub’s images are bright, bold and raw, often depicting dream-like scenes with human figures interacting in blurred settings. Each face he represents evokes a dynamic emotional, often uncomfortable state. His brushstrokes are bold, with thick layers of primary colors then outlined in black. His work is often large scale, with triptychs done on 3 x 8 panels of bare canvas. Grub was born and raised in the Eastern Sierra and now lives and paints in nearby Hawthorne, Nevada. He has shown work in Oakland, Reno, and Mendocino as well as throughout the Eastern Sierra. His deepest influences are Expressionist painting and literature.
Artist Statement about the show
A vessel is an object that is used to contain something. It is also something that can carry us off somewhere. In a vascular sense, it is used for circulation. A conversation can also be a type of vessel. A person is sometimes described as a vessel, particularly in a religious sense, to carry or receive something outside of themselves. Sometimes the same object can carry multiple of these meanings at once. Each one of these paintings has a vessel in it- perhaps several- perhaps many.
A note on the process and display: I admit the unstretched, unframed canvas is used partly for convenience, due to the size of the paintings, but I also feel that the ragged-edged, fragmented look of them relates to the content of the work. I feel that my paintings often represent trailing thoughts- not really dreams-but conscious yet fluid thoughts- one melding into another. So to me, framing them almost seems too rigid, an attempt to outline and define something that is nebulous and indeterminate. But of course any would-be purchaser should feel free to frame them if they want. That will be their experience and it is just as valid as my own.
My friend Lucas (age 9) has a unique and powerful vision, especially for his age. We both were born in the rain shadow of the Sierra, and I have known him most of his life. I have been impressed by his creative energy and tendency to express himself originally. Fellow painters need to look out for eachother, so I invited Lucas to be a part of my show. These paintings share a certain sentiment with mine. If they don’t speak in the exact same language, there are similar accents. Thanks for contributing, Lucas.
Thank you to our donors who keep us creating!
Guardians ($5000 and up Yearly)
Roger & Ruth MacFarlane
Frome Family Foundation
Volunteer Easter Sierra
DreamMakers ($1000-$4999 Yearly)
DeChambeau Creek Foundation
Matthew & Annemarie Hall
The Iyer Family
Ormat Nevada Inc.
Dr. Jackie Yaris